"Taylor is one of my favorite people. She educated and guides me toward a world of new "possibilities". Her willingness to learn and listen is where she shines brightest. If you are sincere about improving your health and life overall, I recommend you consider Taylor. Good luck Taylor and thank you for all of our shared fun!" - Portia C
"In the beginning I was really depressed/had poor self image to say the least. I wasn't happy with myself or how I looked. I wanted to be bigger, gain muscle, build some curves, etc. So I decided to get a membership and a trainer, stop complaining, and make the changes necessary to get happy - physically and mentally. I put in countless hours at the gym kicking my own ass. Today, I was feeling discouraged and decided to look back at pictures of when I first started as a scrawny, unhealthy person and immediately changed that to being proud of myself. I'm so thankful for Taylor for helping me make big changed and teaching me endless amounts of tips and tricks. Love you, Taylor!" - Kayla Ann 07.28.2017